[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Maryam Folath” sub_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading]

Maryam A. Folath is an architect, graduated from the University of Bahrain in 2019. She has a boundless passion for arts in all of its vast forms with true devotion to architecture and music which always pushes her to seek knowledge and innovation. Her ongoing journey through the deep architecture and design world is a morphology of her fascination for human behavior and analysis, nature, and the advancement of technology, to her, the exploration of the aforementioned aspects helps in the creation of exceptional architecture that gives back to its environment. Maryam partook in volunteering construction and renovation programs. She has also participated in a number of architecture competitions and received several nominations for architecture prizes including the Directorate of Traffic Competition, 4th Eskan Bank Award, and the Graduation Project competition with her work (The Revival of The Valley: The New Headquarter for The Supreme Council of The Environment).

Email: folath.m@gmail.com